==》 利用波动率较高的特点,搭配系统性的操作,凭借这一点达到长期“大赚小赔”的目标。 ==〉 不信媒体炒作,只相信自己独立思考后的判断。 ==》 坚决的执行力 - 愿意承担风险,行动果断。市场中机会来了,给你快速建仓或出货的最佳时机也就几分钟。 ==》...
Analysing the Market Objectively
A good trader should be a good analyst to begin with, and a good technical analysis trader should have the ability to analyse any market...
Where is oil heading to?
We are bombarded with the news on oil price surging every other day. https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/nearly-all-russia-forces-a...
From the last posting on SiMSCI, it has drop quite a fair bit. Pairing Set ==> FIB & SkyLand At one glance, you can see very clearly...
News flashes are all on Ukraine-Russia tensions last evening. How well you understand your opponents behaviour Last night when we are...
Swing strategy, Fast in Fast out!
A lot of Sniper strategies are looking out for "market flaws"! What kind of flaws? We have found 2 examples this morning on Asia timing....
Japan’s Nikkei 225 jumps 2% on Tuesday; SiMSCI is moving too!
Since my last updates on 11 Feb, Nikkei 225 hasn't been moving much. **Nikkei 225 "Jump" on the NX signal yesterday :D [see from the...
News always come at the Right Time!
Price has already drop to a crucial support level and there comes the News: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/14/stock-market-futures-open-to-...
Trading Plan
If you are tested positive for Covid, you hope your symptoms are mild enough to carry out your day to day activities(when come to times...
Trading Chart Pattern
It's already the 11th day of CNY, my last update on Nikkei 225 was on 除夕, I don't usually like to post anything when market is still...